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Al via la campagna “Your Future is My Future”

youth european guarantee - campaign launch

Il Partito dei socialisti europei (PSE) oggi ha lanciato la campagna “Il tuo futuro è il mio futuro – una garanzia europea per i giovani subito!”, che mira a contrastare la disoccupazione giovanile in Europa. Al momento 5.6 milioni di giovani europei sono senza lavoro, più dell’intera popolazione della Danimarca. Questa inattività costa all’Europa 100 miliardi di euro l’anno. Una Garanzia europea per i giovani, come proposto dal PSE, potrebbe essere supportata da 10 miliardi di euro da fondi strutturali UE. Questi fondi potrebbero aiutare ad uscire dalla disoccupazione 2 milioni di giovani entro il 2014.

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Latvia - Samazināt jauniešu bezdarbu

European Youth Guarantee Campaign pannel

Original article in

Eiropas sociālistu un sociāldemokrātu partija (PES) šodien, 2012. gada 11. maijā uzsāk plašu kampaņu ar mērķi veicināt Eiropas Jaunatnes garantijas ieviešanu, lai mazinātu jauniešu bezdarba problēmu Eiropā. Šobrīd 5.6 miljoni jaunu eiropiešu ir bezdarbnieki, t.i., Dānijas izmēra valsts. Šāda lietu kārtība Eiropai izmaksā aptuveni 100 miljardus eiro katru gadu. PES piedāvātajai Eiropas Jaunatnes garantijai būtu nepieciešami 10 miljardi eiro no ES struktūrfondiem, un šo līdzekļu pietiktu, lai jau līdz 2014. gadam 2 miljoniem jauniešu būtu darbs.

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El día en el que Sergio Gutiérrez pidió garantías europeas para los jóvenes

Sergio Gutierrez and Cercas during the launch of the campaign for a European Youth Guarantee

articulo original publicado en Castillalamancha

El eurodiputado toledano y miembro de la Ejecutiva Federal del PSOE Sergio Gutiérrez lucha también por los fondos estructurales para acabar con el paro juvenil, tal y como ha colgado en su cuenta de Twitter. Y lo hace en el Parlamento europeo junto a su compañero socialista Alejandro Cercas, tal y como pueden ver en la imagen.


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The Training Guarantee Model in Finland

training guarantee logo

The Finnish training guarantee means that each young person completing comprehensive school should have an opportunity for further education. 
This guarantee provides equal opportunities for everyone and is a key policy to prevent social exclusion among the youth.

The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture has set a goal that no less than 96% of young people who complete basic education continue in a place of further education or receive supplemental education during the same year.

More about this pilot project


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SDP kannustaa pistämään pystyyn työryhmiä

SDP Finland logo

Source: SPD Finland website

SDP on lähestynyt kuntavaikuttajiaan nuorten asialla. Puolue toivoo, että mahdollisimman monessa kunnassa SDP:n poliitikot ottaisivat esille nuorten yhteiskuntatakuuhankkeen.

Työministeri Ihalainen esitti vappuna, että paikallisesti otettaisiin nuorten koulutus- ja työllistämishaaste vastaan ja perustettaisiin laajalla pohjalla jokaiseen kuntaan oma nuorten yhteiskuntatakuuta edistävä työryhmä. Hänen mielestään mukaan olisi hyvä ottaa kaikki asiaan liittyvät tahot, kuten nuoret, koulut, paikalliset työnantajat, työvoimaviranomaiset, paikalliset työmarkkinajärjestöjen edustajat ja kolmannen sektorin toimijat.

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The campaign hits the road in Finland

The Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP) is actively promoting the PES campaign "Your future is my future - a European Youth Guarantee" 

1. The party has sent a letter to all municipal politicians and activists encouraging them to set up Youth Guarantee working groups at municipal level

2. The SDP group in the municipal council of Pietarsaaren has a already made a motion on a youth guarantee 

3. On his 1st May speech Labour Minister, Lauri Ihalainen (SPD), spoke about the project of the youth guarantee in Finland

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Typeactie mei: Sterk in Werk

Sterkt n werk - European Youth Guarantee - Animo

Original article by Animo

Mei, maand van de arbeid. Een tijd om stil te staan bij sterk werk voor iedereen. En met sterk werk bedoelen we degelijke jobs, aan goede arbeidsvoorwaarden. Met de 1 mei-actie ‘Sterk in Werk’ wil Animo extra in de verf zetten hoe goed we het wel doen, maar vooral: hoe het nog veel beter kan.

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PES 1 May message: A European Youth Guarantee Now

1st May

The Party of European Socialists (PES) will use the traditional 1 May Labour Day to highlight the need for a European Wide “Youth Guarantee”. 5.6 million young people are unemployed in the European Union, with Spanish and Greek rates of youth unemployment over 50%. The PES proposal is to use EU structural funds to allow 2 million young people a chance to avoid the crisis of unemployment.

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PES President Sergei Stanishev on a European Youth Guarantee

PES President Sergei Stanishev explains why a European Youth Guarantee needs to be implemented and how it could work in practical terms.


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PES Social and Employment ministers call for more efforts to overcome Europe’s job crisis

social and employment ministers

More efforts are needed to reduce unemployment in Europe. Social democratic and socialist ministers of employment and social affairs agreed in a meeting in Horsens/Denmark that creating more jobs and improving working conditions for Europe’s citizens must be a top priority in European politics, equally important to balancing national budgets. The ministers welcomed the Commission’s employment package as an important step forward, but called for concrete policies and the necessary financial support to follow up the good proposals presented by social democratic Commissioner Laszlo Andor. Decent minimum wages, regulations to improve the quality of work and support for the creation of new jobs should be supported by a mix of European and national policies.

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"Your future is my future - a European Youth Guarantee now!"
The Party of European Socialists (PES), Young European Socialists (YES) and PES Women are running the campaign "Your future is my future" and calling for a European Youth Guarantee to tackle youth unemployment.

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