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PP rechaza la propuesta del PSOE de una “Garantía europea para los jóvenes” porque podría “incrementar el gasto público”

Garantía Europea Para los JóvenesEn el Pleno del Congreso del pasado 11 de septiembre, el Partido Popular (PP) rechazó la proposición no de ley del Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) sobre la estrategia para combatir el desempleo juvenil en España y Europa. La propuesta, respaldada por todos los grupos parlamentarios excepto el PP, fue denegada por el gobierno conservador bajo el pretexto de que no era momento de “traer iniciativas que incrementen el gasto público”.

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Gwarancja dla Młodych

PAULINA_PIECHNA-WIĘCKIEWICZ - european youth guarantee Poland

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„Your future is my future – a European Youth Guarantee Now!" – czyli słów kilka o kampanii Partii Europejskich Socjalistów na rzecz zwalczania bezrobocia wśród młodych ludzi w Europie. W Polsce bezrobocie wśród osób poniżej 25. roku życia wynosi około 25%. Dla porównania średnia bezrobocia, dla wszystkich grup wiekowych, w Unii Europejskiej wynosi 10%.


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How can we tackle youth unemployment in Ireland?

Emer Costello MEP and Laszlo Andor

Last Saturday, September 8th, I hosted a seminar on the 'Youth Guarantee' in conjunction with Labour Youth and John Lyons TD.

The Youth Guarantee is a straight forward solution to the growing social problem of youth unemployment. It would offer every young person a job, further education or work-focused training at the latest four months after leaving education or after becoming unemployed.

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Jeunes, actifs et européens !

European Youth Guarantee campaign

Depuis 2008, l'Europe est étranglée par la crise économique et financière. Les États membres et l'Union Européenne enchaînent les sommets et les négociations mais peinent à trouver les solutions adéquates et nécessaires à la reprise.

Cet effondrement brutal de l'économie fragilise tous les ressortissants de l'Union. Il affecte l'ensemble des salariés travaillant sur le territoire européen. Absence de perspectives, chômage, précarité sont des situations désespérément communes sur le marché du travail.

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Bulgarian youth discusses "Your future is my future"

Bulgarian campaigners debate the European Youth Guarantee in PlovdivOn 8th of September 2012, some 100 young people gathered during the traditional socialist rally at the Koprivkite area, near Plovdiv, to talk about youth unemployment in discussion named “My future is your future” organized by the Youth Union of the Bulgarian Socialist Party - Plovdiv.

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Irish Labour Youth hosts seminar on a Youth Guarantee

Irish Labour Youth seminar on a Youth Guarantee

Over thirty percent youth unemployment in Ireland, a hemorrhage of Irish youth emigrating from our country in search of work and a government struggling to restore the Irish economy in the face of painful austerity policies imposed by the EU, ECB and IMF. This has led to an unprecedented level of cynicism and distrust of politics in Ireland and a broad feeling that there is little that we can do to improve the life chances of our young people at this time.

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Social EU Commissioner Andor makes progress towards a European-wide Youth Guarantee

Laszlo Andor youth employment

The Party of European Socialists (PES) welcomes the Preparatory action “Youth Guarantee” recently announced by Laszlo Andor, EU Commissioner for social affairs, and PES member. The initiative,  launched by the European Commission is a first step in answering the alarming situation of youth unemployment in Europe (it is over 30% in eight Member States – in Spain and Greece the rate exceeds 50%),

A boost in tackling youth employment, the EC initiative is a response to the PES main campaign of the year, 'Your future is my future – a European Youth Guarantee now', which has received strong support all over Europe.

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BSP rally debates youth unemployment

The National Rally of the Bulgarian Socialist Party took place in Buzludzha (central Bulgaria) on 28 July.

During the gathering, participants debated youth unemployment and promoted the campaign "Your future is my future - a European Youth Guarantee now!"

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Juventude Socialista diz que «Impulso Jovem» não funciona e defende uma garantia para a juventude

European Youth Guarantee campaign - Pedro Delgado Alves

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A Juventude Socialista (JS) considerou hoje que o Impulso Jovem "não está a funcionar" e pediu ao Governo para "emendar a mão" e rever o financiamento e as regras do programa, insistindo ainda na garantia de estágios para jovens desempregados.

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The PES in the EU Committee of the Regions to promote European Youth Guarantee campaign

On the occasion of the coming “Open Days 2012”, the PES group in the Committee of the Regions (CoR) will organize a workshop that urges the introduction of a European-wide youth guarantee as a way to tackle unemployment and to build social cohesion across the Member States. This workshop, entitled “Youth (un)employment: Exploring solutions that work”, is set to be held on 10 October and will gather together European, national and regional leaders.

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"Your future is my future - a European Youth Guarantee now!"
The Party of European Socialists (PES), Young European Socialists (YES) and PES Women are running the campaign "Your future is my future" and calling for a European Youth Guarantee to tackle youth unemployment.

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