Joseph Muscat, leader of the Labour Party of Malta met today the University students' organization Pulse for a meeting about the party's proposal for a Youth Guarantee.
Original article on Malta Star
Joseph Muscat held a question and answer session with University student organisation Pulse about Labour's Youth Guarantee proposal
Dr Muscat answered questions by journalists giving more details about the proposal explaining how Labour's aim will be to reduce the number of young people who end up out of education or without a job.
He explained that the cost of not implementing the Youth Guarantee is more significant than what it would cost if this measure is implemented successfully.
The meeting focused on different education challenges as well as the party’s proposal targeting education,
employment and training.
Pulse said it positively notices the political commitment of the Labour Party to address problems such as early school-leavers, illiteracy and the lack of the necessary pluralism within tertiary education. The organisation also had the opportunity to ask about a number of matters related to the proposal such as its feasibility, timeframes and financing.
During its interventions, Pulse stressed the need that continuous training is also extended to older age brackets who are still considered as youth. The organization emphasized the need for more job-oriented courses. It also expressed its support for issues which had the support of both major political forces such as stipends and nvestment in research and technology.
Pulse said that it is satisfied that such type of consultation is taking place on a political level together with the civil society.
"Students look forward to seeing proposals being discussed at the moment listed in official policies and future electoral manifestos. Hence the organisation promises its availability to meet all parties involved in order to discuss issues related to the students and the education system," Pulse noted.