'Youth guarantees must be swiftly implemented across the EU', urges Mercedes Bresso
On behalf of the PES Group, Mercedes Bresso, First Vice-President of the Committee of the Regions, and Henning Jensen, Town Councillor of the municipality of Næstved (Denmark), took yesterday part in a broadcasted political debate with Joseph Muscat, Leader of the Malta Labour Party and former MEP, running as candidate for Prime Minister in the upcoming general elections to be held on 9 March. The debate focused on the Labour Party's political priorities with European relevance.
€6 billion for Youth Guarantee at EU Council
The Party of European Socialists (PES) campaign ‘your future is my future’ has been fighting since its launch to ensure that the appropriate funding is allocated to the implementation of youth guarantees.
Following the huge efforts of Social Democratic and Socialist Prime Ministers, the European Council during a meeting on 8th February, it was decided to include €6 billion in the Multiannual Financial Framework (EU budget) for youth guarantees.
Labour fighting ‘fear of past’ with ‘hope for future’
Labour Party (Malta) Leader Joseph Muscat said that while some are attempting to fight by raising the ghosts of the past, Labour is armed with “a hope in the future”.
Wrapping up the debate on the 'Future of Youth', Muscat said that while the Labour party is closing a series of debates which concern the future of the country, others are scaremongering by raising the fears and ghosts of the past.
MEP Peter Skinner supports Maltese Labour Party project for youth
Peter Skinner MEP (Labour Party, UK) addresses a Partit Laburista (PL, Malta) town meeting and endorses PL pledge for education, training and employment of youth.
Maltese Labour Party endorses Youth Guarantee
Maltese Labour Party Joseph Muscat, teachers, trade unionists and professors endorse the Youth Guarantee.
Maltese Labour Party Leader meets University students on Youth Guarantee
Joseph Muscat, leader of the Labour Party of Malta met today the University students' organization Pulse for a meeting about the party's proposal for a Youth Guarantee.
Matul dawn l-aħħar ġimgħat il-Partit Laburista poġġa l-edukazzjoni fuq quddiem nett tal-aġenda
Għalina l-edukazzjoni tiġi l-ewwel.
L-edukazzjoni hija ċ-ċavetta għall-mobilità soċjali, biex titwettaq il-ħolma ta’ kull omm u missier li wliedhom ikunu aħjar minnhom.
Kien għalhekk li Joseph Muscat ta Garanzija liż-Żgħażagħ li titwettaq taħt Gvern Ġdid. Garanzija li nagħtu l-opportunità lil kulħadd li jsib futur fit-Tagħlim, f’iktar Taħriġ jew fix-Xogħol.
Maltese Labour Party joins the campaign "Your future is my future - a European Youth Guarantee now!"
The Maltese Labour Party has joined the PES-ECOSY-PES Women demand for a European Youth Guarantee. On the same day the campaign "Your future is my future - a European Youth Guarantee now!" was launched in Brussels, Joseph Muscat, Labour Party leader, organized a conference on a Youth Guarantee proposal to be applied in Malta.
With almost 40% early-school leavers, M. Muscat underlined the importance of such a guarantee to provide "qualitative jobs" for all.
PES launches the campaign “Your future is my future - A European Youth Guarantee now!”
The Party of European Socialists (PES) today launched its flagship campaign “Your future is my future - A European Youth Guarantee now!”, which aims to tackle the crisis of youth unemployment in Europe. Currently, 5.6 million young Europeans are jobless, more than the entire population of Denmark. This inactivity costs Europe 100 billion euro every year. A European Youth guarantee, as being proposed by the PES could be supported by 10 billion euros from EU structural funds. This funding could help bring 2 million young people out of unemployment by 2014.