The Socialist Party (PS) of Portugal has demanded concrete measures to foster employment and improve training and education systems on a national and European scale. In a draft resolution submitted by the PS Group in the Portuguese Parliament, Socialist MPs have strongly recommended the Government to adopt measures to create a youth guarantee.
This resolution points out that the Portuguese Socialist Party, in cooperation with the European Socialist Party; "has been upholding the need to disseminate the best practices in Europe (…) in order to create a guarantee that young people completing their studies or registering at a job centre have access to a job, traineeship or further studies within a maximum of four months”.
Special importance has also been given to quality education, active employment policies and the sustainability of the measure – emphasizing on a simultaneous, harmonious introduction of the youth guarantee in the European Union. Currently, over 36% of young people are unemployed in Portugal.
The full draft of the resolution can be found here.