The official text says: "The European Youth Guarantee is a guarantee that ensures that every young person in Europe is offered a job, further education OR work-focused training at the latest four months after leaving education or after becoming unemployed".When you read carefully, it is no guarantee for a job. it is more a PR phrasing, not to say: a kind of deceit. The reason is simple: there are no 5 million decent jobs vacant in the EU. On the contrary: the private sector, and in many countries also the public authorities, are laying off ten thousands of workers. Public jobs suffer from the austerity measures, while the private sector increases its productivity (=less personnel needed) and experiences stagnating or reduced demand. The way out are publicly funded jobs. There are large needs in many areas: decent cheap housing; health and care for elderly and pre-school children; education and schools; public transport; refugee centers and for homeless, etc. When unemployed are put to work, the lowest incomes will rise immediately, and consumption of elementary products too. This stimulates demand, and enterprises will raise production and hire again. So the EU and governments should spend more, instead of saving. There is enough wealth and money around, just look at the net profits the corporations and stock market make. Of course the conservative political parties give priority to these profits; not to the unemployed. The whole discourse about "activation" is a fraud if there are not enough decent jobs available.