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Fiatalok nehézségei – Átfogó foglalkoztatáspolitikai programokat sürget az Európai Unió
A Nemzetközi Munkaügyi Szervezet (ILO) szakemberei megsebzett generációnak nevezték el a fiatal munkavállalók kilátástalan helyzetben lévő csoportját. Őket a fejlett gazdaságokban az egyre növekvő inaktivitás, a bizonytalan munkahelyek, az állástalanság, a még fejlődő országokban pedig az veszélyezteti, hogy még akkor is elszegényednek, ha van hol dolgozniuk.
Campaign update 9
6 billion secured for the Youth Guarantee at EU Council - thanks from the PES, PES Women and ECOSY!
The PES campaign ‘your future is my future’ has been fighting since its launch to ensure that the appropriate funding is allocated to the implementation of youth guarantees
- Following the huge efforts of social democratic and socialist Prime Ministers, the European Council (meeting on 8th February) decided to include 6 billion € in the Multiannual Financial Framework (EU budget) for youth guarantees
- Thanks to the action of PES Heads of State Prime Ministers, Ministers, Commissioners and the members of the European and national parliaments, that brought your voice into the core of EU decision-making, such a youth guarantee is now firmly on track
- Thanks to your mobilization and to PES ministers’ tireless work, the youth guarantee could be approved by European Social Ministers already by the end of the month (28th February)
These are great steps, and everyone at the PES thanks you all for your efforts to get so far, so quickly.
Now we need to ensure that the funds are used quickly and efficiently. There are 5.7 million young people around Europe who are waiting for words to become action.
We need to make sure that the these funds will actually be paid out, that they will be matched by national funds for youth guarantees and that they will be used to create new, decent jobs for young people and to improve education and training systems as soon as possible.
And we need, with the European Parliament’s help, to make sure that the 6 billion dedicated to tackling youth unemployment is the start rather than the ceiling.
The 8th of February was a big day for the youth guarantee across Europe:
- In Brussels PES Heads of State and Prime Ministers were making sure that there was 6 billion secured to start the European-wide Youth Guarantee. A budget line dedicated to young people in Europe, providing the funds to implement the youth guarantee in all European Member States was adopted
- At the same time, in Dublin, EU ministers in charge of Employment and Social Affairs ministers (EPSCO) met to discuss the Commission’s proposal for a European-wide introduction of the youth guarantee. The social democratic and socialist ministers met ahead of the EPSCO to discuss a common line, ensuring that an ambitious Council recommendation is adopted as soon as possible. They are very committed to bring young people back to work as soon as possible, for example by creating new jobs, improving active labour market policies and enhancing vocational and educational training systems
So, this is a really important victory, but the devil lies in the detail…
Funding – it is important that the agreement on a youth guarantee in Europe will be given the means to become a concrete policy. We said we would need 10 billion for a genuine European-wide guarantee – we will keep pushing for this!
Implementation – once the Council recommendation is adopted, we need to ensure that it is actually implemented. We need to increase the pressure on every national government to introduce an ambitious youth guarantee as soon as possible
Keeping the pressure on – In order to make sure the youth guarantee becomes a reality, we need you to keep the momentum for a European Youth Guarantee
What can you do?
- Join our campaign, organize and join events in your region and spread the word to your family and friends. Need more ideas?
- Activists from Italy have been very active in promoting the European Youth Guarantee campaign, spreading the word via conferences, articles and online actions
- We have the example of the engagement of the Irish Labour Party fighting to advance on a youth guarantee during the Irish Presidency of the EU. Make sure you support MEPs campaigning for a youth guarantee
Remember, your support is key to tackle youth unemployment in Europe!
Brussels, 28 February, 9.00am
Youth Disengagement – what costs and what remedies?
Joint event by the Eurofound and European Youth Forum
Järna, Sweden, 7-10 March
ECOSY - Young European Socialists Congress
Budapest, 8-10 March
PES activists Forum
Már elérhető az Európai Ifjúsági Garancia magyar nyelvű szórólapja is
Az MSZP-nek és a magyarországi kampánycsapatnak köszönhetően már elérhető az Európai Ifjúsági Garancia magyar nyelvű szórólapja is.
Töltsd le, és oszd meg barátaiddal!
Európai Ifjúsági Garanciát! Most!
Európában jelenleg 5,5 millió fiatalkorú munkanélküli található. A fiataloknak nincs esélyük a továbblépésre, az államok és a vállalkozások folyamatos veszteségeket könyvelnek el, a munkavállalók képzettségi szintje egyre alacsonyabb, mindez pedig jelentősen lassítja a magyar és az európai gazdaságok is.
A gazdasági válság mélyülésének köszönhetően a fiatalok egyre nehezebben érik el, hogy aktív, tevékeny részesei lehessenek a társadalomnak. Egyre nagyobb részük inaktív, nehezebben találnak munkát az oktatási intézmények elhagyása után, vagy ha van munkájuk, nehezen őrzik meg azt.
PES launches the campaign “Your future is my future - A European Youth Guarantee now!”
The Party of European Socialists (PES) today launched its flagship campaign “Your future is my future - A European Youth Guarantee now!”, which aims to tackle the crisis of youth unemployment in Europe. Currently, 5.6 million young Europeans are jobless, more than the entire population of Denmark. This inactivity costs Europe 100 billion euro every year. A European Youth guarantee, as being proposed by the PES could be supported by 10 billion euros from EU structural funds. This funding could help bring 2 million young people out of unemployment by 2014.