Alejandro Cercas MEP on how to tackle youth unemployment
Alejandro Cercas, Member of the European Parliament affiliated with Group of the Socialists & Democrats Group, comments on the measures to fight youth unemployment at European level, focusing on a Youth Guarantee.
Garantie jeunes : déploiement dès septembre, avec les missions locales !
Article original par Emilie Zapalski
Les missions locales veulent être au centre de l'organisation de la garantie jeunes. Le dispositif va commencer à être déployé sur dix territoires à partir de septembre 2013 dans le cadre d'une expérimentation qui concernera 10.000 jeunes. En 2014, dix autres territoires seront intégrés au dispositif qui concernera 30.000 jeunes au total. En vitesse de croisière, après généralisation du dispositif sur tout le territoire, le gouvernement espère toucher 100.000 jeunes par an, bien loin des 10.000 bénéficiaires du RSA jeunes.
Campaign update 12
11 July
Thanks to you the Youth Guarantee is now on top of the EU agenda!
Thanks to your mobilization and to the tireless action of the Party of European Socialists (PES), PES Women and Young European Socialists, the European Youth Guarantee is now closer than ever to become a reality.
In the last weeks, our joint action was decisive in making sure that EU leaders give a chance to young people all over Europe.
- During the PES Council on 22 June, party leaders launched an urgent and strong appeal to increase the speed and substance of the European Youth Guarantee (EYG).
- In the run-up to the European Council of 27-28 June, in the debate on youth unemployment, the progressive family in Europe made sure the Youth Guarantee was at the top of the agenda:
- PES Prime Ministers and Deputy Prime Ministers gathered in Brussels on 27 June to give a concerted and substantial push to combat youth unemployment in Europe in advance of the European Council
- In Paris, Harlem Désir, First Secretary of the French Socialist Party (PS) and Sigmar Gabriel, Chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) highlighted that youth employment should be Europe’s absolute priority
- On the eve of the EU Council, the PS Belgium organized a conference on youth unemployment, gathering the voice of several progressive leaders in a common declaration calling for a youth guarantee to be urgently implemented in Europe. Participants included PS Belgium President Paul Magnette, European Parliament President Martin Schulz, Italian PD Secretary General Guglielmo Epifani, PSOE leader Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, Sp.a Belgium leader Bruno Tobback and S&D Group President Hannes Swoboda
- In an article on Financial Times on 24 June, Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta clearly stated that the EU should focus on the fight against youth unemployment and strongly endorsed a Youth Guarantee
- Swedish Social Democratic Party leader Stefan Löfven and Finnish Finance Minister and SDP leader Jutta Urpilainen published a joint article in the Swedish and Finnish press calling for a European Youth Guarantee
- Austrian MEP Evelyn Regner underlined that the EU Council needed to deliver a concrete commitment to the EYG with the corresponding allocation of financial resources
- PES Prime Ministers and Deputy Prime Ministers gathered in Brussels on 27 June to give a concerted and substantial push to combat youth unemployment in Europe in advance of the European Council
- Thanks to the action of the S&D group in the European Parliament, the fact that the fight against youth unemployment must take priority will be reflected in the next EU Multiannual Financial Framework. Not only does the frontloading of earmarked resources means that Europe can start supporting Youth Guarantees immediately and decisively, the flexibility in the budget opens the way for additional funds to be used
- Following this political pressure, another key event was the PES Social Affairs Ministers’ meeting that took place in Berlin on 3 July. The Ministers were joined by German Social Democratic Party (SPD) candidate for Chancellor, Peer Steinbrück and together they issued a strong call to speed up EU efforts to overcome youth unemployment.
In its recent report on “Progress on equality between women and men in 2012”, the European Commission acknowledged that women have been harshly hit by the crisis, especially due to the austerity measures introduced by conservatives. In this sense, PES Women is calling for more gender-sensitive youth policies and a better consideration of the gender dimension in the Youth Guarantee
- In its latest publication Youth employment: Making it happen, the PES Group in the Committee of the Regions gathers best practices on youth guarantee schemes from all over Europe. Order the book now
- In Ireland Minister Joan Burton, Emer Costello MEP and Deputy John Lyons marked the announcement of funding for a year-long pilot Youth Guarantee project in Ballymun. Ballymun was selected as one of the first Youth Guarantee schemes to proceed in the EU following funding approval by the European Commission and the Irish Government.
We are closer and closer to have a Youth Guarantee implemented in Europe but, together, we need to keep the momentum going.
We invite you to join the campaign, organize and join events in your region and spread the word to your family and friends.
Remember, your support is key to tackle youth unemployment in Europe!
Dublin, Ireland, 12 July, 9:00am
Public seminar on Youth Unemployment and the Youth Guarantee
Gümüldür, Turkey, 14-21 July
YES - Young European Socialists Summer Camp
Steinbrück endorses PES Social Ministers emergency youth unemployment plans
‘The youth unemployment crisis is the legacy of 3 years of Conservative inaction’, says Chancellor candidate
Meeting in advance of a round table on youth unemployment in Berlin, PES Ministers have made a strong call to speed up European Union (EU) efforts to overcome youth unemployment. The Ministers were joined by German Social Democratic Party (SPD) candidate for Chancellor, Peer Steinbrück.
PES leaders push for a progressive “action plan” to tackle youth unemployment
On the eve of the European Council of 27-28 June, several progressive leaders gathered in Brussels to define an action plan in the fight against youth unemployment in Europe. Hosted by the Parti Socialiste (PS) of Belgium and its leader Paul Magnette, the meeting saw the participation of Bruno Tobback ( Belgium), Guglielmo Epifani (PD Italy), Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba (PSOE Spain), Martin Schulz (European Parliament President), Hannes Swoboda (S&D Group in the European Parliament) and Philip Cordery (PS France, representing Harlem Désir).
Europas Jugend neue Hoffnung geben – für eine Wende in der europäischen Politik
Photo by Parti Socialiste France
Der SPD-Vorsitzende Sigmar Gabriel und der Erste Sekretär der Sozialistischen Partei Frankreichs Harlem Désir haben heute in Paris die folgende gemeinsame Erklärung zum Thema Jugendarbeitslosigkeit vorgelegt:
Europas Jugend neue Hoffnung geben – für eine Wende in der europäischen Politik
1.200 Milliarden Euro haben die Staaten der Europäischen Währungsunion bereits mit „Rettungsschirmen“ bereitgestellt, um den Finanzsektor des EURO-Währungsraums zu stabilisieren. Impulse für Wachstum und Beschäftigung sowie besonders den Kampf gegen die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit haben die konservativen und liberalen Staats- und Regierungschefs in Europa dagegen viel zu lange sträflich vernachlässigt. Erst auf massiven Druck der europäischen Sozialdemokraten und Sozialisten wurden überhaupt im Juni 2012 ein Wachstumspakt und im Februar 2013 ein Pakt gegen Jugendarbeitslosigkeit vereinbart.
«Donner un nouvel espoir à la jeunesse européenne»: découvrez la déclaration commune du PS et du SPD
Photo by Parti Socialiste France
Découvrez la déclaration commune présentée par le Premier secrétaire du Parti socialiste français, Harlem Désir et le Président du Parti social-démocrate allemand, Sigmar Gabriel, «Donner un nouvel espoir à la jeunesse européenne. Pour un changement de la politique européenne.»
Les socialistes européens élaborent un plan d’action pour l’emploi des jeunes
Story originally published on PS Belgium website
(Photo by Parti Socialiste Belgium)
À la veille du Conseil européen de ces 27 et 28 juin, le Président du PS Paul Magnette a organisé ce mercredi une rencontre avec les leaders socialistes européens pour élaborer un plan d’action concret pour l’emploi des jeunes en Europe.
Jugendarbeitslosigkeit bekämpfen!
Photo by Parti Socialiste France
SPD-Chef Sigmar Gabriel und der Erste Sekretär der Sozialistischen Partei Frankreichs (PS), Harlem Désir, haben am Mittwoch in Paris der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa den Kampf angesagt. In einer gemeinsamen Erklärung fordern sie, bis 2020 rund 21 Milliarden Euro zu mobilisieren.
PES Social Ministers call on European leaders to take citizens' concerns seriously - Building a Social Union and Fighting Youth Unemployment
At an extraordinary meeting on 17 May in Paris, European social democratic and socialist ministers urged their conservative and liberal colleagues as well as the European Commission to make progress on strengthening the social dimension of the Economic and Monetary Union.