EU-Abstimmung belegt: Sozialdemokratie kämpft weiter um jeden Arbeitsplatz
S&D-Chefverhandlerin kritisiert Konservative und Grüne bei Bekämpfung der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit – Investitionspaket von 2 Prozent des EU-BIP gefordert
Wien (OTS/SK) – Die SPÖ-Europaabgeordnete Evelyn Regner, Chefverhandlerin der sozialdemokratischen Fraktion zu Jugendbeschäftigung, setzt mit dem heute im Straßburger EU-Parlament beschlossenen Bericht “Bekämpfung der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit: mögliche Auswege” auf ein Umdenken der liberal-konservativen Akteure in den einzelnen EU-Staaten. “Das Europäische Parlament hat mit dem heutigen Bericht ein starkes Zeichen gesetzt. Vor allem die Sozialdemokratie konnte sich für die sechs Millionen jungen Menschen ohne Job in Europa einsetzen”, so Regner, Mitglied im Ausschuss für Beschäftigung und soziale Angelegenheiten des EU-Parlaments, am Mittwoch gegenüber dem SPÖ-Pressedienst.
Weidenholzer/Krasniqi/Kovac: Jugend braucht Arbeit
Utl.: Jugendliche nach wie vor stärker von Arbeitslosigkeit betroffen - europaweit sind 23 % der Jugendlichen ohne Job.
Linz (OTS) - In einer gemeinsamen Aktion heute auf der Linzer Landstraße wiesen die JugendkandidatInnen der SPÖ-OÖ, Donjeta Krasniqi und Corinna Kovac, gemeinsam mit dem EU Abgeordneten Josef Weidenholzer auf die prekäre Situation arbeitsloser Jugendlicher in Europa hin.
EU-Gipfel - Regner: Europa braucht endlich Taten im Kampf gegen Jugendarbeitslosigkeit
Utl.: Europaabgeordnete will mehr Flexibilität im Budget und rasche Ausschöpfung der veranschlagten sechs Milliarden
Wien (OTS/SK) - Heute, Donnerstag, wollen die Staats- und Regierungschefs Maßnahmen setzen, um die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa zu bekämpfen. "Es ist höchst an der Zeit, dass den Worten nun Taten folgen. Wir wissen bereits seit langem, wie fatal die Situation in einigen EU-Mitgliedsländern ist. Nun müssen endlich die notwendigen Mittel freigemacht werden, um die Jugendlichen zu unterstützen", so die SPÖ-EU-Abgeordnete Evelyn Regner.
PES Social Ministers call on European leaders to take citizens' concerns seriously - Building a Social Union and Fighting Youth Unemployment
At an extraordinary meeting on 17 May in Paris, European social democratic and socialist ministers urged their conservative and liberal colleagues as well as the European Commission to make progress on strengthening the social dimension of the Economic and Monetary Union.
campaign update 5
Campaign update n°5
Thanks to your engagement and your action, the campaign for a European Youth Guarantee continues to get more and more visible not only in Europe but also around the world.
French President François Hollande has endorsed the campaign for a Youth Guarantee in a video statement. He calls for the implementation of such a guarantee at EU level as a way of providing jobs for the youth as well as investing in education and training of young people
- As a European Youth Guarantee seems more and more likely, the International Labour Organization (ILO) is now calling for a universal Youth Guarantee. Together with the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions, the ILO is promoting an online discussion on "Youth Guarantees in Asia-Pacific: Challenges and Opportunities” that you can join until November 19. The PES has already participated in an online talk show on this issue
- In Germany the Social Democrats presented in the Bundestag a proposal to put into practice a Youth Guarantee. Conservative and liberals in power, stuck on their austerity-only policy, rejected these progressive proposals, but our campaigners won’t give up and are preparing new actions
- The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions has released a new study on young people not in employment, education or training in the EU. The report points that the costs of having 33% young people without an occupation exceed 15 billion euros a year (with an overall cost of youth unemployment of 153 billion euro) and underlines the urgent need to put into practice concrete measures such as a European Youth Guarantee to reverse the situation
- Reacting to the Eurofound study, German MEP Jutta Steinruck called on the European Council and the Commission to prioritize long-term thinking in tackling the European youth unemployment and to implement a European Youth Guarantee. Evelyn Regner MEP also suggested that the Austrian flagship policy of a youth guarantee could be used at European level to provide jobs and/or training for young people all over the EU
- Campaign supporters in Bulgaria organized a debate on youth unemployment in Ruse. Participants shared their views on problems facing young people trying to enter the labour market; PES President Sergei Stanishev outlined how implementing a European Youth Guarantee could help tackling youth unemployment
- Newly elected leader of Portuguese Socialist Youth pointed to the Youth Guarantee as one of the best ways to bring youth unemployment down – currently 35% of Portuguese young people cannot find a job and are facing a very precarious situation
You too can let us know about your story; tell us how you are contributing to the campaign and join the thousands of campaigners calling for a European Youth Guarantee.
Remember, your support is key to tackle youth unemployment in Europe!
9-10 November
Campaign stand at SDLP Congress Armagh, Northern Ireland
30 November - 2 December
Getting Europe Working: Youth unemployment summit - Notthingham, UK
3 December
Youth employment in Europe – what works?; The Austrian example, Brussels, Belgium
EU-Jugendstudie - Regner: Konservatives Abwarten kommt Jugend teuer zu stehen
Utl.: SPÖ-Europaabgeordnete: "Bis zu 3,5 Prozent des BIP entgeht durch eine steigende Zahl junger Menschen ohne Beschäftigung und Ausbildung"
Wien (OTS/SK) - Die SPÖ-Europaabgeordnete Evelyn Regner macht auf die dramatischen Ergebnisse der aktuellen Studie der Europäischen Stiftung zur Verbesserung der Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen aufmerksam. "Die Situation der europaweit bereits 14 Millionen jungen Menschen zwischen 15 und 29 Jahren ohne Job und Ausbildung, sogenannte 'NEETs', ist nicht mehr hinnehmbar. Das aggressive Sparen und Hinauszögern der konservativen EU-Politiker hat hier zu einer dramatischen Fehlentwicklung geführt", kritisiert Regner, stv. Delegationsleiterin der SPÖ-Europaabgeordneten, am Dienstag gegenüber dem SPÖ-Pressedienst. "NEET" steht für "Not in Employment, Education or Training". ****
campaign update 4
Campaign update n°4
Thanks to your work, our campaign continues to build momentum. Your actions continue to deliver great results.
Thanks to you the campaign for a European Youth Guarantee is more and more visible and is gaining more and more support.
- PES Women Annual conference debated the gender perspective of youth unemployment. Under the slogan “Combating young women’s unemployment” over 100 participants have analysed the specific causes of young women’s unemployment and discussed solutions to tackle it, such as gender budgeting, equal access to green jobs and reconciliation of private and professional life
- During the PES Congress ministers, experts and campaign supporters celebrated the campaign achievments so far (watch the video); We also committed to doubling our efforts on the campaign for the rest of the year
- French President François Hollande and Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann have given us an enormous boost by publicly speaking out for a European Youth Guarantee
- During the open days of the Committee of the Regions, the PES Group organized a full day workshop on youth unemployment. Watch the videos of high level regional representatives giving their support
- In Belgium, MEP Frédéric Daerden presented the campaign to young socialists gathering in Herstal
- In Bulgaria, campaign supporters from all over the country gathered in Yambol to debate how to stop youth emigration due to the lack of work and how young people can find jobs in times of crisis
You too can join the thousands of campaigners calling for a European Youth Guarantee. Remember, your support is key to tackle youth unemployment in Europe!
20 October
"The Alternatives to Austerity Debated" - Durham, UK
26 October
Meeting on Youth Guarantee - Clermont Ferrand, France
30 November - 1 October
"Real jobs guarantee" conference - Notthingham, UK
Christian Illedits on a European Youth Guarantee
Christian Illedits, member of the Burgenland Parliament (Austria), talks about the European Youth Guarantee.
French President and Austrian Chancellor call for European Youth Guarantee funded by Financial Transaction tax
The Party of European Socialists (PES), PES Women and ECOSY have strongly welcomed the calls by French President François Hollande and Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann for a European Youth Guarantee. The two leaders, meeting in Paris yesterday, have said that the funding of the Guarantee scheme could be through a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT).