
Last year youth unemployment average was 26.7% in Poland.

Latest news from Poland

European Youth Guarantee campaign

Original article

PES z wielkim zadowoleniem przyjęła wezwanie Prezydenta Francji François Hollande’a i Kanclerza Austrii Wernera Faymann’a w sprawie Europejskiej Gwarancji dla Młodych. Dwaj liderzy, po wczorajszym (9.10.2012) spotkaniu powiedzieli, że finansowanie programu może znaleźć swe źródło w europejskim podatku od transakcji finansowych (FTT).

PAULINA_PIECHNA-WIĘCKIEWICZ - european youth guarantee Poland

Original article

„Your future is my future – a European Youth Guarantee Now!" – czyli słów kilka o kampanii Partii Europejskich Socjalistów na rzecz zwalczania bezrobocia wśród młodych ludzi w Europie. W Polsce bezrobocie wśród osób poniżej 25. roku życia wynosi około 25%. Dla porównania średnia bezrobocia, dla wszystkich grup wiekowych, w Unii Europejskiej wynosi 10%.


campaign launch

The Party of European Socialists (PES) today launched its flagship campaignYour future is my future - A European Youth Guarantee now!”, which aims to tackle the crisis of youth unemployment in Europe. Currently, 5.6 million young Europeans are jobless, more than the entire population of Denmark. This inactivity costs Europe 100 billion euro every year. A European Youth guarantee, as being proposed by the PES could be supported by 10 billion euros from EU structural funds. This funding could help bring 2 million young people out of unemployment by 2014.

All campaign news from Poland

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published this page in Your country 2012-04-10 11:43:56 +0200
"Your future is my future - a European Youth Guarantee now!"
The Party of European Socialists (PES), Young European Socialists (YES) and PES Women are running the campaign "Your future is my future" and calling for a European Youth Guarantee to tackle youth unemployment.

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