The Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro, the largest Italian Trade Union Confederation will launch its proposal for a Youth Guarantee in Italy on January 31 in Rome
9:30 - Registration
10:00 - Introductory speech - Elena Lattuada (Confederal Secretary CGIL)
10:15 Contributions
- Salvatore Marra (ETUC Youth Committee) – European measures for youth employment: The Youth Package of the EU Commission and the Social Dialogue
- Susanna Holzer (TCO – Swedish Trade Union Confederation) – The experience of the Youth guarantee in Nordic Countries
- Massimiliano Mascherini (Eurofound) – The condition of youths in Europe and the measures for youth employment
- Michele Raitano (Università degli Studi La Sapienza) – Access to work and the transmission of inequalities
11:45 Introduction to the CGIL proposal for a Youth Guarantee - Ilaria Lani (Head of CGIL Youth Policies Dept.)
12:00 Debate
13:00 Closing speech - Susanna Camusso (Secretary General CGIL)
About the conference
A Country that matches our skills.
A Youth Guarantee in Italy, too.
Youth unemployment has reached its highest ever (37%) in Italy and the youth who there are more than 2
mln youths who are not in work, education or training.
These unacceptably high rates show the harsh reality of young people left alone with their destinies. A future
that represses competences, ratifies social and family starting conditions and forces young people to work
under indecent conditions or to flee abroad.
The European Commission with its Youth Package, launched at the end of last year, decided to intervene and
promote some measures, among which the Youth Guarantee, i.e. the engagement of public institutions to
assist youths during their transition into the abour market.
It is an instrument aimed at empowering young people to be the “warranty” of a more dynamic, competent
and innovative country.
The objective of CGIL through this initiative is to ask for the launch of a Youth Guarantee in Italy and to
present our proposal to the general public.