According to the June edition of the EU Employment and Social Situation Quarterly Review, the social situation in the EU remains serious with the highest unemployment and the lowest employment figures since the onset of the crisis. These negative trends continue to affect particularly the southern members of the EU and young people. The Review states that nearly a quarter of economically active young people in the EU are unemployed. In this context, the Review underlines the risk that young people working on short-term contracts involuntarily could remain trapped in insecure working conditions.
The issue of youth unemployment was the main topic under discussion on 27 June by Member States on the occasion of the European Council. In this context, the European Commission is urging Member States to put in place the Youth Guarantee adopted by the Council in April 2013, which will provide an apprenticeship, a traineeship or further education within four months of leaving school or losing a job for unemployment people under 25. SOLIDAR welcomes the Commission proposal to urgently put in place the Youth Guarantee in each Member State and to take concrete measures to support it, such as programmes to subsidise the creation of jobs for young people, strengthening education systems and building up training systems based on dual education.