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We need a UK Youth Guarantee

UK Labour Youth - European Youth Guarantee campaign

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Amidst the obsession with EU budget battles you’d be forgiven for not noticing the announcement by the European Commission yesterday of a package of measures to assist Member States in tackling unacceptable levels of youth unemployment.

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Costello welcomes European Youth Guarantee

Emer Costello - European Youth Guarantee campaign

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Dublin Labour MEP, Emer Costello, has welcomed today's EU proposal for a European Youth Guarantee, saying that if adopted by EU leaders during the Irish Presidency and supported by dedicated EU resources, it could help to reduce the historically high rates of youth unemployment in Ireland and Europe as a whole.

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Michael Roth: "In Europas Jugend investieren"

Michael Roth - European Youth Guarantee campaign

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Zu den Vorschlägen des EU-Kommissars Laszlo Andor zur Bekämpfung der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa erklärt der europapolitische Sprecher der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion Michael Roth:

Europa kann es sich nicht leisten, an den jungen Menschen zu sparen und eine ganze Generation zu verlieren. Die einseitigen Kürzungsprogramme haben die notleidenden Länder immer tiefer in die Rezession gerissen und die Arbeitslosigkeit in die Höhe schnellen lassen. In Spanien und Griechenland ist mittlerweile jeder zweite Jugendliche ohne Beschäftigung, im europäischen Durchschnitt fast jeder Vierte. Die konservativen Staats- und Regierungschefs haben lange genug tatenlos zugesehen und nichts für die junge Generation getan. Erst auf Druck sozialdemokratischer Kräfte in Europa ist das Thema Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in den Blickwinkel der Regierungschefs gerückt.

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Jutta Steinrück: "Jugendarbeitslosigkeit endlich wirksam bekämpfen: EU-Kommission schlägt ein Beschäftigungspaket für Jugendliche vor"

Jutta STEINRUCK - European Youth Guarantee campaign

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Am Mittwoch stellte Laszlo Andor, EU-Kommissar für Soziales und Beschäftigung, das sogenannte Jugendpaket in Brüssel vor. Unter dem Namen ‘Jugend in Beschäftigung bringen’ schlägt die Kommission vor, dass in den Mitgliedsstaaten eine Jugendgarantie eingeführt wird. Dazu will sie unter anderem den Rechtsrahmen für Praktika erneuern und eine Europäische Allianz für die Ausbildung schaffen.

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European Commission tables a European Youth Guarantee - PES President: “We need to put words into urgent action especially on funding” at next week’s European Council

Laszlo Andor - European Youth Guarantee campaign

Today, EU Social Commissioner Laszlo Andor has tabled the long flagged proposal for a European Youth Guarantee. The proposal was made as part of his presentation of the European Commission’s Employment Package. Funding sources for the proposal remain to be clarified.

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Compte-rendu de la Conférence-débat "L’emploi des jeunes en Europe"

European Youth Guarantee campaign

Le 22 novembre dernier les Eurosocialistes de Genève ont tenu une conférence-débat sur le thème de l’emploi des jeunes en Europe dans le cadre de la campagne du Parti Socialiste Européen (PSE) pour une Garantie européenne pour les jeunes. Leur invité pour cette conférence était le Dr. Ernst Ekkehard du Bureau International du Travail. Voici ci-dessous leur compte-rendu de cette conférence-débat.


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Relaunching Europe, a Nottingham per i giovani

Nottingham - European Youth Guarantee

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Sabato primo dicembre il presidente del Gruppo S&D, Hannes Swoboda, ha raggiunto a Nottingham, in Gran Bretagna, il leader del Partito Laburista britannico, Ed Miliband, e il capo dell’EPLP, Glenis Willmott, per l’ultimo evento della serie Relaunching Europe. La giornata di dibattiti interattivi si è concentrata sulla minaccia che pongono all’Europa gli attuali livelli esorbitanti di disoccupazione giovanile. I politici europei e britannici hanno esortato all’introduzione di una Garanzia Europea per i Giovani.

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Youth unemployment at the core of meeting in Nottingham

Nottingham - event European Youth Guarantee

Last weekend in Nottingham (30 November – 1 December), the PES participated in a very successful event on youth unemployment. The event was co-hosted by the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) Group in the European Parliament (EP), and the UK Labour Party.


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Spanish youth delegation debates European Youth Guarantee with PES Women President Zita Gurmai in Brussels

Spanish youth and Zita Gurmai campaign for a European Youth Guarantee

On 29 November a delegation of 30 Spanish Socialist Youth members travelled to Brussels to debate the campaign for a European Youth Guarantee with Zita Gurmai, PES Women President, and with David Cordonnier, MJS Belgium President.

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Youth Guarantee could help turn the tide on youth unemployment says Emer Costello MEP


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Dublin Labour MEP, Emer Costello, has launched a campaign for a European 'Youth Guarantee' to deal with rising youth unemployment, stating that the Youth Guarantee approach pioneered by Austria and Denmark could help reduce Ireland's historically high youth unemployment levels and should be taken up by the EU as a whole.

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"Your future is my future - a European Youth Guarantee now!"
The Party of European Socialists (PES), Young European Socialists (YES) and PES Women are running the campaign "Your future is my future" and calling for a European Youth Guarantee to tackle youth unemployment.

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