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ILO annual report calls for urgent focus on youth unemployment crisis
According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), worldwide there are as many as 73.5 million unemployed young people and this figure will likely further increase by half a million by 2014.
Out of these 73.5 million young people without a job, 5.8 million live in Europe.
Read more"Falsches Spiel der CDU/CSU mit Jugendlichen"
CDU/CSU-Abgeordnete im Europaparlament stimmen gegen Jugendgarantie
Knapp die Hälfte der CDU/CSU-Abgeordneten im Europaparlament haben bei der Abstimmung über die Jugendgarantie im Europaparlament am Mittwoch gegen das dringend notwendige Angebot für die jungen Menschen in Europa gestimmt.
Read moreMEPs urge EU ministers to bring in youth guarantee schemes
"Youth guarantee" schemes to ensure that no young person in the EU goes without a job, education or training for more than four months won strong support in Parliament on Wednesday. MEPs voted a resolution calling on EU employment ministers to agree in February 2013 to a Council recommendation that all member states introduce these schemes.
Read moreUna Garanzia europea per tutti i giovani residenti in UE
Il Parlamento europeo ha chiesto oggi ai governi UE di implementare una Garanzia europea per i giovani per ridurre la disoccupazione, che colpisce un giovane su cinque. La risoluzione di oggi è stata adottata con una maggioranza schiacciante e afferma che ogni disoccupato residente in Europa sotto i 25 anni, o laureato sotto i 30, deve avere un’offerta per un lavoro dignitoso, per un proseguimento degli studi o per un apprendistato, entro quattro mesi dall’inizio del periodo di disoccupazione o dall’abbandono degli studi.
Read moreTory MEPs fail to back youth guarantee schemes
Tory MEPs were almost isolated today in the European Parliament as MEPs from across the political united in their calls for a guarantee to unemployed youth to get a job for a fixed period.
"MEPs today backed Europe-wide scheme for internship offers after four months' unemployment, yet British Tories and their allies failed to vote with the rest of us," said Stephen Hughes MEP, who speaks for Labour MEPs on Employment.
Read morePour un financement adéquat d'une garantie pour la jeunesse partout en Europe
Le Parlement européen a voté ce midi sur un projet de résolution relatif à la "garantie européenne pour la jeunesse", visant à permettre aux jeunes, qui ont moins de 25 ans et qui sont au chômage depuis plus de quatre mois, de se voir proposer un travail, une formation ou un apprentissage. Le texte demande aux ministres de l'emploi de l'UE l'adoption d'une recommandation du Conseil en février 2013, afin de mettre en place ce système dans tous les Etats membres.
Read moreEuropean Parliament debates Youth Guarantee
“Youth Guarantee: decisive action means decisive funding” says PES President
On 14 January, the European Parliament held a debate on the Youth Guarantee scheme and its funding. The debate was on a resolution tabled by French Socialist Pervenche Berès MEP on behalf of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. The resolution will be voted on this Wednesday. This resolution backs the EU Commission’s proposal from December, tabled by EU Social Commissioner László Andor, and puts an emphasis on quality framework for education and training, as well as on the role of the European Social Fund in the financing.
Labour challenges Government to back compulsory jobs guarantee
Labour will today challenge the Government to back its plan for a compulsory jobs guarantee for the long term unemployed as new figures from the IFS show 7 million working people will be hit by the Government's 'strivers tax'.
Read moreBacking the European Youth Guarantee
Both the biggest single reason for Britain to stay in Europe and the most needed reform of the European Union centre on jobs.
Three million British jobs directly depend on our membership of the EU and the single market. In my own region of the north-west tens of thousands of people are employed in the defence and auto industries, which are located in the UK in part because of the access this gives to the world’s biggest single market.
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European Youth Guarantee in Genova
Italian Socialist Youth is campaigning to promote the EYG (European Youth Guarantee) in Italy: in February different University teachers are sitting at the same table to debate about the European Youth Guarantee in Genova!
We will ask them about the economical, juridical and social advantages that a Youth Guarantee would bring to Italy and to Europe all.
Meanwhile, an Italian Member of the parliament - Pietro Ichino, who stands for Mario Monti - declared that the EYG is a EU project, forgetting that it is a Socialist campaign... but we suddenly remind it to him.
See you in February in Genova to campaign together for a European Youth Guarantee!