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European Youth Guarantee - the story so far

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Podatek od transakcji finansowych może sfinansować walkę z bezrobociem wśród młodych.

European Youth Guarantee campaign

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PES z wielkim zadowoleniem przyjęła wezwanie Prezydenta Francji François Hollande’a i Kanclerza Austrii Wernera Faymann’a w sprawie Europejskiej Gwarancji dla Młodych. Dwaj liderzy, po wczorajszym (9.10.2012) spotkaniu powiedzieli, że finansowanie programu może znaleźć swe źródło w europejskim podatku od transakcji finansowych (FTT).

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PES Group in the CoR: the Youth Guaranteee is a ‘solution that works’

Karl-Heinz Lambertz supports the European Youth Guarantee caùmpaign

Within the framework of the Open Days of the Committee of the Regions (CoR), the PES Group organized on the 10th of October a workshop in Brussels focused on youth unemployment. Titled “Youth (un)employment: Exploring solutions that work”, the workshop presented successful experiences at regional and local level in bringing young people into work.

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French President and Austrian Chancellor call for European Youth Guarantee funded by Financial Transaction tax

François Hollande and Werner Faymann - European Youth Guarantee

The Party of European Socialists (PES), PES Women and ECOSY have strongly welcomed the calls by French President François Hollande and Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann for a European Youth Guarantee. The two leaders, meeting in Paris yesterday, have said that the funding of the Guarantee scheme could be through a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT).

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Emplois d’avenir : le temps des solutions pour combattre le chômage des jeunes est venu !

emplois d'avenir - European Youth guarantee

Le Parti socialiste français se réjouit de l’adoption par l’Assemblée Nationale à une très large majorité de la loi portant création des emplois d’avenir.

Ce vote marque le coup d’envoi de la nouvelle politique de l’emploi de Michel Sapin (Ministre du Travail, de l'Emploi et du Dialogue social) et Jean-Marc Ayrault (premier ministre). Il permettra d’offrir à 150 000 jeunes d’accéder à un vrai travail, avec un vrai contrat, un vrai salaire et une vraie formation.

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Youth Unemployment During Crisis

Bulgaria - campaign for a European Youth Guarantee

Young people from all over Bulgaria debated for more than two hours how to stop youth emigration, how young people can start their professional career and how can we find jobs in times of crisis at the discussion “Youth Unemployment During Crisis”, organized by the BSP Youth Union in Yambol on the 7th of October 2012.

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PES Congress keeps pressure on the European Youth Guarantee

European Youth Guarantee campaign meeting during PES Congress

On Saturday 29th of October, the Party of European Socialists held the Youth Unemployment Public Campaign Meeting, where activists and high-profile leaders shared their opinions and plans for action on the European Youth Guarantee. Participants confirmed their commitment to campaign for the introduction of strong youth guarantees on the European and national level.

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Willmott calls on the EU to fund youth jobs

Glennis Willmotte - European Youth Guarantee campaign

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“We call on the European Union to bring forward plans to fund a Youth Jobs Guarantee,” said Glenis Willmott, Leader of Labour’s MEPs, in a speech to Labour’s Conference in Manchester on Monday.

“I’m not arguing for any increase in the EU budget. This fund can be paid for initially by using 10 billion euros in unused European Social Funding,” she added.

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PES Women Annual Conference hears of damage caused by young women’s unemployment

PES Women conference on European Youth Guarantee campaign

Call for Green economy jobs for women and better maternity coverage

Under the slogan “Combating young women’s unemployment”, PES Women organized today its annual conference at the PS Belgium Headquarters, in Brussels. The aim of the event was to look at the specific causes of young women’s unemployment and discuss solutions such as gender budgeting, equal access to green jobs, and reconciliation of private and professional life. Over a hundred participants attended the conference.

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Pour une garantie européenne pour la jeunesse en Belgique!

Frédéric Daerden - European Youth Guarantee campaign

Frédéric Daerden, député européen et bourgmestre de la ville d'Herstal (Belgique) a présenté la campagne "Ton avenir-Mon avenir: une garantie européenne pour la jeunesse" dans le cadre d'une conférence des jeunes socialistes à Herstal.

Aujourd'hui plus que jamais, le chômage des jeunes atteint des niveaux historiques. Depuis le début de la crise, son taux est passé de 15% à 22.4% en Europe, soit une augmentation de 50%. La Belgique enregistrait, en juin, un taux de chômage des jeunes de 19,5%.

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"Your future is my future - a European Youth Guarantee now!"
The Party of European Socialists (PES), Young European Socialists (YES) and PES Women are running the campaign "Your future is my future" and calling for a European Youth Guarantee to tackle youth unemployment.

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